Antenna Geometry in the 5G Era: How Metal Components Impact Radiation Patterns and Emissions


Why Doesn't QuantaCase Have Metal Carrying Strap Loops like other Anti-radiation Cases?


The advent of 5G technology has brought unparalleled speeds and connectivity to the forefront of telecommunications. Yet, as we usher in this new era, it becomes increasingly imperative to understand and mitigate any potential health implications. Of particular note is the manner in which accessories, such as phone cases with metal loops or even everyday items like glasses, affect antenna geometry and, consequently, electromagnetic field (EMF) exposures. This article evaluates the scientific dynamics behind these interactions, drawing from Electronics 2023, 12(2), 297;

Disruption in Antenna Geometry: The Science Explained

Antennas on mobile devices are engineered with precision, considering optimal radiation patterns for connectivity. Introducing external metal components, such as magnets, steel plates, or metal loops in phone cases or even frames of glasses, can distort these patterns. This distortion can manifest as unpredictable signal strength variations, potentially enhancing users’ EMF exposure.

Radiation Output: The Amplification Mechanism

Metallic elements, when proximate to transmitting devices, can sometimes necessitate an increase in the device’s transmission power to compensate for signal losses. This inadvertent power boost implies an amplified radiation output, elevating the risk for users, as corroborated by scientific research in Electronics 2023.

Decoding SAR Values in the Presence of Metal

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is a metric that quantifies the rate at which our bodies absorb RF electromagnetic energy. Metal components can skew the spatial variability of incident fields, translating to fluctuating SAR values. A study highlighted the sensitivity of the eyes to EMF and demonstrated that wearing glasses can significantly change the distribution and magnitude of SAR.

In certain cases, the SAR in ocular tissues with glasses was found to be six times higher than without. This suggests the potential for uneven EMF exposure in specific regions of the body, including but not limited to skin, adipose tissue, and ocular regions.

Radiation Patterns: The Unpredictability Quotient

Consistent radiation patterns are integral to device safety standards. However, metal components within phone accessories or glasses can engender unpredictable radiation patterns, concentrating EMF exposure within certain body regions. Such focal intensifications render it challenging to adopt preventive measures effectively.

The Verdict on Metal Components: Drawing from Empirical Evidence

Given the evidence, it is clear that phone cases equipped with metal components, or the use of metallic frames in glasses, especially those that interfere with antenna functionalities, are potentially detrimental. Such accessories can disrupt antenna geometry, amplify radiation, and induce erratic radiation patterns, thereby increasing EMF exposure.

Navigating 5G: Prudent Recommendations

  1. Metal-Free Designs: Forego phone cases or eyewear that incorporate metal components to preserve antenna integrity and minimize EMF disruptions.  Avoid detachable phone case designs with large metal plates and magnetics that obstruct the antenna.
  2. Embrace Shielding: Prioritize cases that integrate radiation shielding mechanisms, like RF Safe®, to harmonize safety with optimal device performance.
  3. Simplicity and Science: Opt for streamlined, scientifically-backed designs that mitigate interference and resonate with empirical findings.


Our migration into the 5G epoch mandates a nuanced understanding of device accessories and their implications on health and safety. By aligning our choices with scientific findings, such as those presented in Electronics 2023, we can ensure that we not only enjoy the boons of 5G but do so with an informed, safety-first approach.